Case Study

Flexibility & Adaptiveness in Supporting Struggling Labor Needs


In the aftermath of a devastating natural disaster, Absolute Quality Manufacturing Inc. (AQM) demonstrated unparalleled flexibility and adaptiveness to support a crucial OEM customer in the generator industry. Facing overwhelming demand coupled with a shortage of skilled labor, the OEM struggled to meet orders, threatening its ability to aid in disaster recovery efforts. AQM swiftly intervened, deploying a dedicated team to the customer’s facility, replicating assembly lines, providing training, and assuming full responsibility for manufacturing. This case study illustrates AQM’s commitment to customer satisfaction, operational excellence, and innovative problem-solving.


Following a large-scale natural disaster, demand for generators soared as communities grappled with power outages and infrastructure damage. The OEM customer, inundated with orders, faced a labor crisis. Despite efforts to recruit and train workers, they could not keep pace with demand, jeopardizing their ability to fulfill critical orders and support disaster recovery efforts effectively. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, AQM proactively engaged to address the challenge head-on.



AQM’s response was swift and comprehensive. Understanding the gravity of the situation, AQM assembled a specialized team comprising skilled workers and supervisors with expertise in generator manufacturing. This team was dispatched to the OEM’s facility, where they meticulously documented assembly processes and received intensive training to ensure proficiency in replicating the production line.

Upon returning to AQM’s facility, the team wasted no time in setting up a dedicated manufacturing line tailored to the OEM’s generator specifications. Leveraging their expertise and ingenuity, AQM’s team identified and implemented cost-saving solutions without compromising product quality. By assuming responsibility for the entire manufacturing process, from component assembly to final inspection, AQM alleviated the OEM’s burden, allowing them to focus on other critical aspects of disaster recovery.


The collaboration between AQM and the OEM yielded transformative results. By seamlessly integrating into the OEM’s operations, AQM provided much-needed relief, enabling the timely production and delivery of generators to communities in distress. The rapid response and adaptive approach demonstrated AQM’s commitment to customer-centric solutions and operational excellence.

Furthermore, by implementing cost-saving measures and optimizing manufacturing processes, AQM not only met the OEM’s demands but also enhanced efficiency and profitability. The successful partnership not only facilitated disaster recovery efforts but also strengthened the long-term relationship between AQM and the OEM, positioning both parties for future success.


In times of crisis, Absolute Quality Manufacturing Inc. exemplified unwavering commitment, flexibility, and adaptiveness. By mobilizing resources, expertise, and ingenuity, AQM not only met the urgent needs of its OEM customer but also contributed significantly to disaster recovery efforts. This case study underscores AQM’s dedication to exceeding customer expectations, driving innovation, and delivering value in the face of adversity.

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